What is IMO?
- The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the world championship mathematics competition for high school students and is held annually in a different country.
- The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. It has gradually expanded to over 100 countries from 5 continents.
- The IMO board ensures that the competition takes place each year and that each host country observes the regulations and traditions of the IMO.
IMO Syllabus 2019-2020
Class 10
Section – I (Logical Reasoning)
- Direction Sense Test,
- Mathematical Operations,
- Number Ranking & Time Sequence Test,
- Coding-Decoding,
- Distance,
- Speed,
- Time,
- General Reasoning
Section – II (Mathematical Reasoning)
- Real Numbers
- Polynomials
- Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Quadratic Equations
- Arithmetic Progressions
- Triangles
- Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Circles
- Constructions
- Areas Related to Circles
- Surface Areas and Volumes
- Statistics
- Probability
Section – III (Everyday Mathematics)
- The syllabus of this section will be based on the syllabus of Mathematical Reasoning.
IMO Exam Pattern 2019-2020
For classes 1st to 4th
- You have to answer 35 questions in 60 minutes.
- There will be a separate question paper for each class.
- Question paper will have these sections:
- Section I – Logical Reasoning (10 questions)
- Section II – Mathematical Reasoning (10 questions)
- Section III – Everyday Mathematics (10 questions)
- Section IV – Achievers Section (5 questions)
For classes 5th to 12th
- The participant has to answer 50 questions in 60 minutes.
- Question paper will have these sections:
- Section I - Logical Reasoning (15 questions)
- Section II - Mathematical Reasoning (20 questions)
- Section III - Everyday Mathematics (10 questions)
- Section IV - Achievers Section (5 questions)
IMO Eligibility Criteria 2019-2020
- Students of classes 1 to 12 are eligible to appear for the 1st level Olympiads.There is no other eligibility criterion like minimum marks.
- Students who qualify for the 2nd level of the exam include:
- Top 5% of students’, class wise, who appear for the 1st level exam.
- Zone wise top 25 rank holders, class wise.
- Class toppers from each participating school, where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam, and score 50% qualifying marks.
- In case registration is received section wise, students with highest marks, irrespective of section will qualify for the 2nd level.
IMO Registration 2019-2020
- You have to register for the exam from your school itself, because IMO does not accept individual participation from any other mode.
- The SOF IMO is open to the students of classes 1 to 12.
- Prospectus, containing the registration forms, are sent to all schools registered with SOF.
- Schools not registered may also request a prospectus by sending an e-mail at info@sofworld.org/.
- Schools must return the registration forms to SOF, duly filled in and completed in all respects, by the due date.
- You have to register for the exam from your school itself, because IMO does not accept individual participation from any other mode.
- Top 5% of students’, class wise, who appear for the 1st level exam.
- For section wise registrations, winner(s) of gold medal may not necessarily qualify for the second level.
- Students from classes 1 and 2 are not required to appear for the 2nd level exam and are ranked based on their performance in the first level exam
IMO Application Fee 2019-2020
- A charge of Rs 125 (including 18% GST) towards cost of examination is payable by each participant for schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
- If you are suļ¬ering from any major physical disability or if you are an Indian student whose parent was martyred during defence operations, you are exempted from paying the fee.
- Further the school may collect an amount upto Rs 25 per student towards honorarium of incharge, remuneration to teachers, study material supplied by SOF and other miscellaneous expenses.
IMO Admit Card 2019-2020
- Admit card for IMO 2019 exam will be issued by the Science Olympiad Foundation.
- You can download your admit card from the SOF official website.
- IMO admit card has details like your name, venue of the exam etc.
- It is a compulsory document that has to be carried to the exam centre.
- A charge of Rs 125 (including 18% GST) towards cost of examination is payable by each participant for schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
- Students of classes 1 to 12 are eligible to appear for the 1st level Olympiads.There is no other eligibility criterion like minimum marks.
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